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Sunday Lunches

Sunday lunches were introduced a few months after the opening of the Polish Centre. They quickly gained recognition and are still very popular with PC members and visitors to this day.       

Traditional Polish dishes are prepared by several cooking teams that alternately "reign" in the large kitchen. They are all volunteers!       

Once a month, jubilarian PC members are honored with champagne and a cake baked in the PC kitchen. "Birthday Sundays" have been very popular for years, and the atmosphere of the dinner is even more nice, cordial and festive....   

The kitchen also offers dumplings and golobki. "takeaway" dumplings, which can be purchased during Sunday dinners.             

We invite you and wish you a tasty meal! Sunday 3PM. 


Lunch price: $20 (members), $25 (guests), $10 (children). 

Niedzielne Obiady w Polskim Centrum
Niedzielne Obiady w Polskim Centrum

Raz w miesiącu jubilaci-członkowie PCuhonorowani zostają szampanem i tortem upieczonym w kuchni PC. Niedziele Urodzinowe od lat są bardzo popularne, a atmosfera obiadu jest jeszcze bardziej miła, serdeczna i odświętna.

Kuchnia oferuje także pierogi, goÅ‚Ä…bki, kopytka ‘’na wynos’’ , które możnazakupić w czasie niedzielnych obiadów. 

Niedzielne Obiady w Polskim Centrum
Niedzielne Obiady w Polskim Centrum

Zapraszamy i życzymy smacznego!Niedziela, godz. 3PM, cena obiadu $20 (członkowie), $25 (goście), $5 (dzieci).



Phone# 727-298-8609.

Fax: 727-298-8634

1521 North Saturn Avenue,  Clearwater FL 33755



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Polish Center Of John Paul II, Inc. /  Copyright 2024 / All Rights Reserved      

Polish Center of John Paul II, Inc. is  a 501(c)(4) tax-exempt, non-profit charitable organization. Donations are not tax-deductible for federal income tax purposes as charitable contributions. A copy of the annual report and registration filed may be obtained by contacting  Polish Center at 1521 North Saturn Avenue,  Clearwater FL 33755, 727 - 298 8609 or  Or the Division of Consumer Services by calling toll-free, within the state, 1-800-HELP-FLA or online at WWW.800HELPFLA.COM Registration with a state agency does not constitute or imply endorsement, approval or recommendation by that state.   EIN: 59-3335866.

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